Friday, October 10, 2008


27th September 2008

Saturday is a super bore day for me. This is because when I have no place to go. At night, I feel very bore to sit at home. I want to go out and seek for some fresh air but in the end I choose not to do so. This is because when you walk alone and you will realize there have many couple surrounding you. I dislike the feeling which cause me feel empty. I will always choose not to go out during weekend, although I am really wish can go at weekend…

After think for few days, I found that I need to have some decision which can help to reduce my burden and feeling. The feeling was so strong to come over me and make me feel suffer and lost my way. Maybe I shouldn’t be so emotional or so weak to seek for the protection from anyone.

In the end, I can’t control myself and my courage tells me I need to do something to avoid some tragedy. It is not only for me but for others as well. I take out my 100% courage to share the feeling with Sa Lao and this is the first time I share with a person with 0% hidden meaning. I become 100% transparence to him.

In the end, I tell Sa Lao about my thinking and thought, his reaction was surprise me. After we chat for the whole night, I just realize that we have actually let go something that both of us didn’t notices. It is call as fate? I don’t know. Maybe it is yes and maybe it is no. I really hope to have an answer to fill my question.

After the whole night chat, he said he will go toward to what he wants. He will now start to fight with what he really wishes to have and he knows his target very clear.

Thanks you my dear, I always support and trust on him just like how he support and trust on me.

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