Saturday, November 15, 2008

w@st3 mY W0Rk @h~

14th November 2008

Today is the first day and also is the first time I can back to home on time which mean I can leave office 530pm sharp! Really amazing. Early in the morning I d very pek cek with my Audit work. Especially the FA listing. No matter how i calculate, it stil not tally and not balance. A bit pek cek d since I have spent my time on this section for 5 hours.

Seek the help from my lovingly senior, he ask me to key-in those previous information and calculate it by setting the new fomula. I don't know it is the System want to fight with me or what, it cause I fail to do so and I have to Key-in the fomula one by one instead of set it up.

I have use 5 hours to do everything and in the end I give up d, I want to do for another section. Mana tau once my senior open the file for another section, he found out that the FA listing which I have key-in just now have a softcopy there. Which mean, I do double work! Really Za Dao! Waste my time to set everything...and this Cutie, Yan Tao, "Goodest" senior say: give you a lesson so next time before you do your work you have to check everything so ma won't repeat lor. BOOM!!!!

After lunch, he bought me the sweet candy and say want to claim me down...haha...for those who know me guy will know if I am really Angry or not happy, I am not that type of girl which can use a sweet candy to tam me...althought the Sa Lao buy me McFlurry, also can't tam me...You, Senior!I**n Se! I am not angry but then You, Please Don't bully me!!! Althought I am Just a small little junior and your assistance, but then...Don't Dim me la Ok!

Next time, YOU WIN YOU WIN!!!!ok??
hehe...but then Thanks for him la, cause he always help me and teach me...(he say I become more xi xin is cause of him, BLEK!!!)

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