Friday, April 8, 2011

Walk @lone

8th April 2011

It bean a long time that I didn't update my blog, since today I have some time for myself to release my feeling and thinking here, I catch up the time…

The life that I having now that make me feel depress. Maybe I should feel happy and always satisfied with what I'm having now. There have no comparison since humans do not have any guideline or I should say humans have no limitation in chasing their dream. Humans, non-stopping to compare with others.

In this kind of situation, we force to upgrade ourself just like how you upgrade your weapon when you are playing a game. In reality, we are weapon. Else, we have no way to fight with others.

I seen a lot of thing that happening surrounding me. When I think back, I really appreciate all the thing I owned. I am strict to myself just to make myself become more powerful and strong enough to face my future. As we know, life is not easy and when we are alone, we are weak enough to do whatever thing. When you are lucky, you found someone who willing to walk together with you, but one day, he leave you alone and walk away from you, how you going to continue your life in the rest of the times?

Human are lonely because they build walls instead of building bridge, but I do build a bridge and a road provided with the transportations, I found no one to walk together with me or even walk towards me… how sad and pity this is can be?

I am such a failure. At least, there have no one willing to walk towards me.

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