Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thief thief thief!!!

A person work at others city and this person have to stay under people roof. The person felt bad and unsecured when the new comer join into the house. Is just like a maid but the different is: she marry the owner (employer) so she is the 2nd Boss.

The person start felt dangerous and the person can sense that those unsecured mode is getting closer. The person have no privacy in that house since that Person don't have anything to lock up valuable belongings and important document. Everyday before going to work have to keep own thing safe and make sure it cover up by something which not be seen by the thief.

Too bad is: the 2nd Boss (so called Boss, no need to work at day time, just have to work during mid night.) So, day time will be super free. Actually I also wonder what the thief can do on day time besides do some finding in the house (aka: thief).

Difficulty 1: Lock the door
Not The person house, how to lock.

Difficulty 2: Lock up own belongings
Will try to get a Tabung and add on a big Lock on it, Maybe it work, is the Boss still stole the whole Tabung...OK la, Speechless. Since the big Boss don't wants to give her some Shopping fund.

Difficulty 3: Alone
That house is people roof, wants to complaint also no people will believe.

Solution 1:
Waiting for the time to complete the work then can move out.

Solution 2:
Stop from buying or consume valuable things. It include clothe, pants, stocking, bus card, phone card, name card and whatever.

* hide those thing under the bed, the lady boss (thief) still have time to find it.

Thief ah thief...when will you stop from stolen? But actually the thief just started...OMG~

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