Thursday, December 18, 2008

SunD@y triP~

14th December 2008

La La La~~Sunday is the best...No need work...Mummy bring my little adorable go to Singapore holiday...Left me at home (cause I have to work) so bore...but luckily my jimui come back then early in the morning we sleep until 12pm then go for our lunch. After that we go to swim car river at Bukit Beruang (actually we are looking for a house for my jimui to Stay)...good th end we get a room...

After that we go to Mp shop for whole day and buy so many thing...really feel happy and satisfied...I have been long time didn't go for shopping...Mp pc fair so many people there, I with jimui shop for awhile then quickly run out...

Night time we took our dinner at Pearl cafe...after out meal, we back to home fan san ka...haha...really enjoy...

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